CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit
Daily Focus (No Measure)
Day 3 of our testing week starts off with our 1RM Bench Press and a fun upper body density workout that also targets and stresses the midline. Get ready for a fun 15:00 minute AMRAP that should challenge you and excite you at the same time. For the Bench Press we are looking for the warm-up to get things ready and raring to go before starting with an empty barbell in the rack and then building over the course of 15 minutes to a new 1RM.
After that, we have a bit of back off day, with a good 24 Min Cardio Focused workout. For those looking to continue hitting 1 RM’s the rest of the week, this is a great day to flush the legs and get back after it tomorrow!
Warm-up (No Measure)
5:00 Banded Shoulder Mobililty
Calorie Echo
Box Jump Over
Bench Press Warmup
Bench Press (15:00 to Establish a 1RM)
Today, we are tackling a 1RM Bench Press. The ideal rep scheme to follow would be to hit 5 reps @ 50%, 3 Reps @ 60%, 2 Reps @ 70%, then hit singles all the way up until 102%. In order to do this appropriately the correct weight jump should be from about 95% up to 102%, rather than hitting a larger jump.
Building up in the way we suggested allows for the right amount of weight jumps and reps to prime the system without fatiguing it along the way.
Focus on connection to the Bench and utilizing your posterior chain for an optimal bracing pattern.
Bonus Fitness (No Measure)
4 Sets, For Quality
10 Dual Dumbbell Cossack Squat , Moderate
15/15 sec Single Arm Ring Plank
20 Barbell Hip Thrust , light loading, controlled tempo
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
EMOM x 24
Min 1: 13/10 Calorie Echo
Min 2: 13/10 Calorie Row
Min 3: 10/8 Calorie Ski
Min 4: 10 Box Jump Over (24″/20″)
EMOM x 24
Min 1: 15/12 Calorie Echo
Min 2: 15/12 Calorie Row
Min 3: 12/10 Calorie Ski
Min 4: 12 Box Jump Over (30″/24″)