CrossFit – Tue, Jul 23

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

2 rounds

30 Single / Double unders

10 Med Ball Squats

5 Med Ball Kang Squats


15-20 sec Bottom of squat hold / Assisted holding rig

3 Back squats, hold bottom 3-5 seconds empty bar


Ramp up for Back Squats

Back Squat (1 Set Every 2:00
1×5 @ 76%
1×5 @ 81%
1×2 @ 86%
3×1 @ 92%)

Metcon Warm-up (No Measure)

DB Shoulder to overhead

4/4 @ light

4/4 @ Moderate weight

4/4 @ Workout weight

Wall Balls

5 Wall Balls

Practice Round

15 Double unders / Single unders

5 Wall Balls

1/1 DB Shoulder to overhead

Metcon (Time)


4 Rounds for Time

42 Double Unders

21 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs

10/10 DB Shoulder to overhead @ 50/35lbs


4 Rounds for Time

42 Double Unders

21 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs

6/6 DB Shoulder to overhead @ 70/50lbs
Kettlebells can be used if low on 70 DBs

Bonus Fitness (No Measure)

3-5 sets

12/12 Fire Hydrants

12/12 Unilateral Quadruped hip extension

12 Glute bridge + Adduction
Fire hydrants:

Unilateral quadruped hip extension:

Glute bridge + Adduction: