UNFORGOTTEN: Workout Challenge
Saturday September 10th
Cash and Prizes
CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 Rounds
5/5 Single Arm DB Strict Press
5 V-ups
5 Strict Pull-ups or Jumping Pull-ups
10 Calorie Bike
Strict Press + Push Press (3 Sets
3 Strict Press + 3 Push Press @ 80% of Strict Press)
5-6 Minutes to Warm-up
1 Set Every 1:30
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
EMOM x 24
Min 1: 10 Toes to Bar
Min 2: 10 Handstand Push-up
Min 3: 3 Bar Muscle Ups
Min 4: 10e Wall Facing Shoulder Taps
EMOM x 24
Min 1: 12 Toes To Bar
Min 2: 12 Strict Handstand Push-up
Min 3: 6 Bar Muscle Up
Min 4: 50′ Handstand Walk
GPP Note*
Pick a rep scheme that will allow about :30 work and :30 Rest. Our Bar Muscle Ups can be scaled to 6 Burpee Pull-ups.
COMP Note*
Goal is unbroken reps (even in the handstand walk). Work on turning while still upside down.
Score is total completed rounds (max is 24)
Bonus Fitness (No Measure)
2 Rounds
:20 Hollow Hold
10 V-Ups
:20 Sorenson Hold
10 Back Extensions
rest 1:00