November 5th Wods for Wishes!
Classes at 9:00am and 10:00am
All proceeds from buying a shirt will go to Make-a-Wish and Trivium will match it dollar for dollar!
Yoga Sunday at 8:00am
CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
8:00 of Stretchy Time
1:00 to Find Teammates
2 Rounds at Each Erg (6:00 Total)
:15 Easy Pace
:15 Moderate Pace
:15 Hard Pace
:15 Rotate
Metcon (Calories)
Teams of 3 for Max Calories
2 Rounds
1:00 C2 Bike
rest :30
1:00 Row
rest :30
1:00 Echo Bike
rest: 30
-Rest 3:00 then-
1 Round
3:00 C2 Bike
rest 1:00
3:00 Row
rest 1:00
3:00 Echo Bike
Total Time- 23:00
You do not need to reset the monitors for teams of 3. Let it be a running total and then add Part 1 and Part 2 together.
*note your workout buddies
Teams will have an athlete start at different stations. Everyone will work and rotate at the same time.
Our goal is to go well over “threshold” on the 1:00 efforts and slightly over “threshold” on the 3:00 efforts. If you did the 20:00 test last week, this is a good “feel” to gauge.
Gymnastics Conditioning (Time)
For Quality:
15-25 Ring Muscle Ups
5 sets:
5 False Grip Chest to Ring Row
5 False Grip Ring Muscle Up Catch Transitions
5 Ring Dip or Ring Dip Negative
Time Cap 12:00
Coaches have everyone work through of at least 1 set of the technique work before allowing athletes to try ring muscle ups