June 29th – Squat Therapy and Deadlift Rehab (8:00am) Nipper’s Corner Location
This is a free Clinic designed to help you improve your squat and deadlift mechanics.
What to expect:
-Proper movement sequencing and muscle activation.
-1-on-1 Movement analysis and assessment
-Drills and Techniques to help improve any issues
If you have ever had joint pain after a squat or deadlift session, this day is for you!
CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit
Daily Focus (No Measure)
The goal is not to complete each minute as fast as possible, but rather move as smooth as possible in order to keep the heart rate from spiking and teach athletes how to keep calm and cool in the middle of mixed modal workouts with more density. This is pure volume accumulation, midline stability, and muscular endurance work today. Plan to spend a good time warming up the sandbag cleans and talking through how to move efficiently with the sandbag
Warm-up (No Measure)
4:00 Foam Roll
3 Rounds
:30 Row
3 Inchworms
:30 Ski
5 Plate to Chest Romanian Deadlift
100m Run
Sandbag Technique work
:30 at each station w/ :15 rest
Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)
EMOM x 30
Min 1 – 3 Wall Walks
Min 2 – 14/11 Calories Row
Min 3 – 14/11 Calorie Ski
Min 4 – 5 Shuttle Runs (25/25ft)
Min 5 – Max Sandbag Cleans (100/75)
Min 6: Rest
Min 1 – 4 Wall Walks
Min 2 – 14/11 Calories Row
Min 3 – 14/11 Calorie Ski
Min 4 – 6 Shuttle Runs (25/25ft)
Min 5 – Max Sandbag Cleans (150/100)
Min 6: Rest
Bonus Fitness (No Measure)
For Completion
5 Sets
10 Strict Handstand Push Ups, Add Deficit if Able
10 Ring Rows, Feet Elevated if Able