CrossFit – Sat, Sep 7

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Rounds

20 Shoulder Taps

10e Worlds Greatest Stretch

20 Line Hops

:10 Bar Hang

100m Jog


Group Up


2 Rounds w/ Teammate

25′ Handstand Walk or 4 Wall Walks

10 Calorie Echo

20 Double Unders

50′ Farmer Carry

100m Jog (faster)


rest and potty break

Team Workout (Time)

Teams of 2


For Time:

Buy In: 16 Wall Walks


100/75 Calorie C2

200 Double Unders

600′ DB Farmer Carry (50s/35s)

800m Run (4 x 200)

600′ DB Farmer Carry (50/35s)

200 Double Unders

100/75 Calorie Echo

Teams of 2


For Time:

Buy In: 200′ Handstand Walk


100/75 Calorie Echo

200 Double Unders

600′ Farmer Carry (70/53s)

800m Run (4 x 200)

600′ Farmer Carry (70/53s)

200 Double Unders

100/75 Calorie Echo

Goal Time: sub 30:00

Ideal Time: sub 25:00
1 Athlete working at a time for the workout

Coaches Set up Cones 50′ a part Outside

for the Farmer Carry

Run completed in Relay fashion. Athlete 1 completes 1 x 200 then Athlete 2 Completes 1 x 200 until a TOTAL of 800m is run (2x each athlete)