CrossFit – Sat, Apr 20

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

Daily Brief (No Measure)

Today is a great showcase of your gymnastics ability. Like all pieces, we can modify this workout to fit our skills. Ideall we can hit most movements in 2-3 sets so scale the reps back or change the movements if needed.

If you are going for the Ring Muscle Ups, save the grip and shoulders as much as possible to give it your best effort at the end of the workout.

Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Rounds

3 Inchworms + Push-up

3 Kip Swings

3 Strict Pull-ups


2 Rounds

1-2 Rope Climbs

2-3 Ring Muscle Ups (or your modification)


3-5 Handstand Push-ups

3-5 Toes to Bar

2-3 Wallfacing Handstand Push-ups



Class Flow

0:00-5:00 Class Brief

5:00-15:00 Warm-up/Practice

15:00-20:00 Set-up

20:00 35:00- Heat 1

35:00-40:00- High Five and set up for Heat 2

40:00-55:00-Heat 2 if necessary

Quarterfinals Workout 3 (No Measure)


For Time:

3 Rounds

5 Handstand Push-ups

15 Toes to Bar


2 Rounds

5 Strict Handstand Push-ups

3 Rope Climbs


1 Round

5 Wall facing Handstand Push-ups

15 Bar Muscle Ups

Time Cap: 15:00


For Time:

3 Rounds

10 Handstand Push-ups

20 Toes to Bar


2 Rounds

10 Strict Handstand Push-ups

5 Rope Climbs


1 Round

10 Wallfacing Handstand Push-ups

20 Ring Muscle Ups

Time Cap: 15:00

Be okay with sharing ropes. We can have 8-12 Athletes going in one heat
Handstand Push-ups Modifications

Hand Release Push-ups

DB Push Press

DB Strict Press

Bar Muscle Up Modifications

Chest to Bars

Strict Pull-ups