CrossFit – Mon, Sep 11


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CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

Daily Focus (No Measure)

Today, we honor the many lives lost in the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks. We created this workout to show our respect to them and to ensure we never forget the tragedy that was that day. For some insight on the components of the workout and what each aspect represents. The 2001m Row Buy-In represents the year. 9 rounds represents the Month, 11 reps represents the day and the 110 lb Barbell represents the number of floors on each tower.

This workout will take a significant amount of time today, so from a class management perspective we want to consider the best approach to allow for coaching as well as allow time for athletes to tackle this workout. We should go over the Toe to Bar, Power Clean, and even Row technique a bit prior to hitting this workout. Our primer today is meant to tackle specific position points on the Clean, as well as touch on a progression for the Toe to Bar, while opening up the hips and finding rhythm on the Wall Balls

Warm-up (No Measure)

2:00 Cardio of Choice


2 Sets (1st Set Coach Led)

3 Tall Muscle Clean

3 Hang Power Clean

3 Low Hang Power Clean

2 Sets (1st Set Coach Led)

6 Bar Kip Swings

6 Kipping Knees to Chest

4 Alternating Toe to Bar

4 Toe to Bar

2 Sets (1st Set Coach Led)

6-8 Wall Balls

Metcon (Time)



2001m Row


9 Rounds of the following:

11 Toes To Bar

11 Power Cleans @ 110/70

11 Wall Balls @ 20/14
Modify with Hanging Knee Raises and less weight if needed

*if you are just looking for a good time, consider making this a partner workout and split the work up.

Time Cap: 35:00

Goal: 25:00-30:00

Primary Objective: Challenging yourself

Secondary Objective: Overall Time

Bonus Fitness (No Measure)

Optional Accessories

3 Sets, For Quality

8/8 Dual Dumbbell Split Stance Romanian Deadlift 30×1 Tempo

10/10 Tall Kneeling Paloff Press

1:00 minute plank