CrossFit – Mon, Oct 30


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CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

Daily Focus (No Measure)

We are starting off the week and the cycle with our focal point of developing better positions from the floor with the Snatch. We are using percentages here as we know this keeps us in a range that can allow us to work on positions and speed. That is the key to the weightlifting component today, so be sure to keep overall loading moderate. For those that don’t have a max we should keep loads in the 5-7 RPE range.

We will then move into a powerful triplet with the goal of reinforcing quality overhead positions by placing a greater emphasis on the Overhead Squat in this piece. We are combining the work here with Box Jump Overs and American KBS in an effort to add some accessory style movements to the Snatch in a conditioning setting. We will add volume here today and emphasize hip extension as the primary focal point.

Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Rounds

:30 second Medball Thoracic Opener

10 Air Squats

10 Alternating Box Step-Ups

5 Box Jumps


1 Set Every 2:00

Set 1:

3 Rounds

1 Hang Muscle Snatch

1 Snatch Balance

1 Overhead Squat

1 Low Hang Squat Snatch

Set 2:

3 x Pause Power Snatc h + Low Hang Squat Snatch

Set 3:

3 x Pause Snatch + Full Snatch

Building loads to starting weight on the bar

Snatch (5 Rounds for weight)

Every 2:00 x 5

(1 Pause Snatch Below Knee + 1 Snatch)

Set 1: 2+1 reps @ 60%

Set 2: 2+1 reps @ 60%

Set 3: 1+1 reps @ 65%

Set 4: 1+1 reps @ 65%

Set 5: 1+1 reps @ 70%

Snatch are not touch and go,

% are based off your 1rm Snatch

Pause 2 seconds @ 2” below the knee cap

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)



4* Overhead Squats 95/65lb

6 Box Jump Overs 24/20”

8 American KBS 53/35

*Increase Overhead Squats by 2 reps each set



4* Overhead Squats 135/95lb

6 Box Jump Overs 24/20”

8 American KBS 53/35

*Increase Overhead Squats by 2 reps each set

Bonus Fitness (No Measure)

4 Sets, For Load:

10/10 DB Bulgarian Split Squats

10 Banded Glute Hamstring Raises

30 Close Grip Barbell Bench Press 45/35