CrossFit – Mon, Oct 3

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Rounds

5 Goblet Squats

5 Kettlebell Swings

25’e Single Arm Overhead Carry


2 Rounds

5 Empty Barbell Back Squat

10 Glute Bridges

Back Squat (3 x 4 @ 80%)

EMOM x 6

Odd: 4 Back Squat @ 80%

Even: 75′ Farmer Carry

Metcon (Time)


Every 4:00 x 3

500m/400m Row

12 Lateral Burpee Over Rower

12 Alt. Dumbbell Snatch (50/35)


Every 4:00 x 3

500m/400m Row

18 Lateral Burpee Over Row

18 Alt. Dumbbell Snatch (50/35)

*Score is slowest time*

Goal is to finish with about :45+ rest between efforts.  If needed, scale back the distance on the row

Bonus Fitness (No Measure)

2-3 Sets:

10-12e Front Foot Elevated Dumbbell Reverse Lunge (2″ deficit)

:20 L-Sit Hold (hang)