CrossFit – Mon, Jul 29

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

PVC Warm-up

2 Sets

5 PVC Front to Back

3e Around the World


Coach Led

PVC Practice w/ Push Jerk


3 Rounds

5 Strict Press/Push Press/ Push Jerk

5 Ring Row/ Jumping Pull-up/ Pull-up

5 Front Squat

Strength (12 Rounds for weight)

EMOM x 12

Min 1: 2 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk

Min 2: 3-5 Weighted Strict Pull-ups

Comp Weighted Strict Chest to Bar
Goal is to start around 65% of Max Push Press and Build each round. Ideally finishing around 90% of 1 RM Push Press

Log weight for lift and pull-ups

Metcon (Time)


For Time:

15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

10 Goblet Squat (53/35)

15/12 Calorie Echo

10 Goblet Squat (53/35)

15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

10 Goblet Squat (53/35)

21/16 Calorie Echo

10 Goblet Squat (53/35)

15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

10 Goblet Squat (53/35)

27/20 Calorie Echo


For Time:

9/7 Bar Muscle Up

5e Single KB Front Rack Squat (70/50)

15/12 Calorie Echo

5e Single KB Front Rack Squat (70/50)

9/7 Bar Muscle Up

5e Single KB Front Rack Squat (70/50)

21/16 Calorie Echo

5e Single KB Front Rack Squat (70/50)

9/7 Bar Muscle Up

5e Single KB Front Rack Squat (70/50)

27/20 Calorie Echo

Time Cap 18:00

Goal Time -15:00