CrossFit – Mon, Jan 1


Holiday Schedule

Monday, December 25th (no classes)

Tuesday, December 26th (7am, 11:30am, 4,5,6pm + Open Gym)

Monday, January 1st (no classes)

Tuesday, January 2nd (normal schedule)

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

Daily Focus (No Measure)

Happy New Year! With the start of the year and this being a transition week, we wanted to throw in a good Benchmark test that allows for some good fitness without being overly technical or heavy to start the week. We will be tackling a little jump rope practice and some Turkish Get-Ups in our EMOM to start the day before moving into the Benchmark workout. This one has a “Fight Gone Bad” feel and style to it, but highly emphasizes double unders in terms of scoring as the score is total reps. With that being said, we should as coaches give athletes a guide and structure to the expectations of the other two movements in order for athletes to not game the workout and rather go for the best stimulus for them.

Strength/Skill Work (Weight)

EMOM x 8

Min 1: 2/2 Turkish Get-Ups

Min 2: 30 Seconds Single Under Crossovers

Metcon (6 Rounds for reps)


EMOM x 24

Min 1 : Max Calorie Row

Min 2: Max Burpees to Rig

Min 3: Max Double-Unders

Min 4: Rest
*burpees to rig is where you typically do toes to bar or pull-ups

Score it total reps of each round

Bonus Fitness (No Measure)

3 Sets, For Quality

8/8 Front Foot Elevated Split Squat

10/10 Half Kneeling Pallof Press with Rotation

10 Alternating Lateral Ball Slams