CrossFit – Fri, Nov 11

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)


2 Rounds of Cindy


2 Sets

5 Empty Barbell Front Squats

5 Calorie Echo Bike

10 Double Unders

Front Squat (5-3-1-5-3-1-5-3-1)

5 @ 75% rest 1:30

3 @ 80% rest 1:00

1 @ 85% rest 1:00

Back Rack Reverse Lunges (2 Sets
20 Alternating Reps
(10 each leg)

rest 1:30 between sets)

This is should be light with good form. We should not see the torso dump forward. Drive through the lead leg and use your glutes to bring your hips and knees back into alignment.

Metcon (Time)


For Time:

120 Double Unders

100 Push-ups

80 Air Squats

60 Wallball (20/14) (11’/10′)

40/30 Calorie C2 Bike

*partitioned anyway you want*


For Time:

120 Double Unders

100 Push-ups

80 Air Squats

60 Double DB Thrusters (50/35)

40/30 Calorie C2 Bike
