CrossFit – Fri, Aug 16

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

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Warm Up **needs review** (No Measure)

Back Squat (5×5 at 75% of established 1 rep max during the CrossFit Total. )

Work off of the 1 rep established last week in the CrossFit Total, not your 1rm “lifetime” max. We’re looking to lift efficiently here at a weight that allows for perfect range of motion and technique. NO MORE than 75%.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)

2:00 on 2:00 off x 4

10 wall balls 30/20/14

10 SDHP 95/75/55

10 Push Press 95/75/55

**Pick up where you left off each round.
Look to move quickly in your transitions and focus on good movement here. When there is less weight on a bar its easier to allow for bad habits to creep in and focus only on the speed, resist that. Smooth is fast here.

Do not drop barbells from overhead, stay in control, and move well.

Score is total rounds + reps across all intervals.