CF – 7/12/22

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

200m run

10 passthroughs


3 sets

3 strict press

3 push press

3 split jerks

:10 oh hold

B: Push Press + Jerk complex (4×3+2 @70% of last week )

8 x 2 push press + 1 split jerk; rest as needed (build to a heavy complex)
4x 3 push press + 2 split jerk @ 70% of last weeks heavy complex

C: Metcon (Weight)

Super set

C1.) db snatch 3 x 12 ; rest :30

C2.) ring dips 3 x 6-10 + :10 hold after last rep ring dip; rest as needed

D: Metcon (Time)


5 rounds for time:

15 pull up

3 wall walk

10 ttb


5 rounds for time:

15 c2b pull up

25’ hsw

10 ttb

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