CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit
A: Clean Barbell Warm Up (No Measure)
1 round: Coach led
3 power shrug
3 high elbows
3 Muscle Cleans
3 strict Press
3 Elbow Rotations
3 Front Squats
1 time through ** SHOULD HEAR YOUR FEET **
Position 1
3 high hang Power cleans (dip, pull)
Position 2 (dip + hinge, shoulders over the bar)
3 hang power cleans
Position 3(shoulders over the bar), then 2
3 hang Power cleans
B: Clean and Jerk (5 x 3 @ 78-84%)
5 sets of 3
Power clean + split jerk @ 78-84%;
Rest :90 between sets.
Perform these as singles within the percentages. Do not go over 84%
C: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
6 min amrap:
9 deadlift @95/65
6 front squats
3 s2oh
6 min amrap:
9 deadlift @135/95
6 front squats
3 s2oh
This is a fast workout and weight chosen should be one that you can perform the first round unbroken if required.
Push the pace on this short AMRAP
D: Metcon (No Measure)
alt emom x 18
Min 1 – 10 alt pistols
Min 2 – 5-10 GHDSU or 15 v-up
Min 3 – 10/7 cal assault bike
Modify pistols by adding a bench or box where able