CF – 5/3/21

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

3 sets

:20 bike sprint

10 total hip switches

:30 active squat hold

B: Back Squat (1×6 @ 70% 1×6 @75% 2×3 @82-85%)

C: Power Snatch (3 sets of 9 total reps)

3×3 hang power snatch + 3 power snatch + 3 full snatch @70-75% of power snatch; rest :90

***drop the bar as needed. While this is a “complex” if you need to break and re-grip thats fine.

D: Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)

4 sets:

3:00 bike @ hard effort (think 50w higher than 10 min max cal pace on assault, :02-:03 slower split than 5k c2 bike pace)

1:00 max air squats

rest 2:00
each calorie is a rep

each air squat is a rep

total reps each rd

***this is not a sprint, find a hard pace and try to hold it

E: Metcon (No Measure)

3 sets: :30 on / :30 off (12 min)

sit up

heel taps

hollow body


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