CF – 5/18/21

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Rounds

10 PVC pass through

5 strict press with an empty barbell

:20 overhead hold with an empty barbell

B: Shoulder Press (4 @ 70%, 3 @75%, 2 @80%; rest :90 x2)

increase 5-10# on second waves

score is final load

C: Metcon (No Measure)

5 sets, rest :60 between movments

10 DB Shoulder to overhead 50/35

10 db box step overs 50/35, 24/20″

D: Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)


6 min amrap:

6 Chest to bar or 9 pullups

12 alternating step back lunge ( 50/35 dbs front rack)

rest 4:00

6 min amrap

6 Chest to bar or 9 pullups

12 hspu


6 min amrap:


12 alt step back lunge ( 50/35dbs front rack)

rest 4:00

6 min amrap


12 hspu

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