CF – 12/15/20

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

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A: 5k Row (Time)

Max Effort 5k Row
Spend 3-5 minutes warming up, then go. 85-90% effort, push harder that last 2-3 minutes

25 minute time cap

B: Push Press + Split Jerk (5 x 1 push press + 1 split jerk )

push press + 1 split jerk; rest as needed
As heavy as possible without sacrificing form. These are not max lifts. Should be no misses

C: Metcon (No Measure)

Gymnastics Skill Work


1: Max set HSPU

2: Max HSW or :30 Handstand Hold

3: Max Ring Musle up or C2B

4: rest

This is an opportunity to work on gymnastics skill. Choose the appropriate modification and follow the same protocol

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