CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit
A: Warm-up (No Measure)
2 sets
1:00 ski / row
5 strict c2b pull up
5 strict ring dip + :12 hold after last rep
B: Shoulder Press (10:00 to Build to a heavy 3 rep )
Coaches notes:
Your shoulders and arms press the weight over your head while your legs, lower back and abs balance you. NO LEG DRIVE.
This is a hard stop 10 minutes. Be intentional with your time and you sets to build.
C: Metcon (Weight)
alt emom x12
odd- 5-7 bench press @ 65-70%
even- 5-7 weighted pull up
Coaches notes:
Chose a weight on the bench that allows for no misses, it should be challenging but nothing that brings you to failure.
“weighted” can simply mean body weight, or even weight assisted with a band. Proficient athletes can use the chain belt to add weight.
D: Metcon (5 Rounds for time)
5 sets, each for time:
20/15 cal c2 bike
10-15 Toes To Bar
5-10 Handstand Push-Up
rest 1:00
Coaches notes:
Waterfall start on the C2, can sub assault bike.
You will notice there is a rep range for this piece. Each athlete should chose the rep scheme they want to complete and do this for every round.
Strive for unbroken on each set, Strict HSPU where possible, and push the pace on the bike. This is a gymnastics “practice” with an elevated heart rate.
Suggested modifications:
Knees to chest, dumbbell z-press