CrossFit – Wed, Sep 4

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

8 Minutes

3 way banded shoulder stretch

:30 each.

3 sets of 8/6 cal ski **Hard effort

(3 people to an erg, rest while others go)

Begin building to your starting weight for Strict Press

Strict Press (5-3-1 x 3 )

18 Minutes

3 sets of 5-3-1 rep scheme, increasing weight with the goal of a single heavy attempt with our last lift.

Starting at 70% on your first set of 5 and build sets and rounds. Finishing with a heavy single for today with a target of 90%+ of the 1rm from the CrossFit Total.

Rest :30 between sets, 2:00 between rounds

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)



10 burpee to plate


6 Push Press #95/65


10 Push-up + Burpee to plate


6 Push Press #135/95

Bonus Fitness (No Measure)

4 Sets

30 sec Max Renegade Rows

-15 sec Rest-

30 sec Max Barbell Bicep Curls