CrossFit – Wed, Feb 28

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

Daily Focus (No Measure)

Today, is definitely focused on the upper body, with 5 quality big strength sets of Bench Press, followed by a high interference triplet of Toe to Bar Shoulder to Overhead and Wall Balls. The goal being to target absolute strength in our main strength piece, then work into targeting muscular stamina and capacity in the workout. The focus for the warm-up will be to target all the little stabilizing muscle groups as well as get the entire body warm and a light sweat going before getting into the strength component. Post strength piece we should spend another few minutes allowing athletes to touch each movement, go through progressions and a light primer to make sure athletes feel good with the movements, loads, and have a good plan for how they will get after the workout today. The weight for the Shoulder to Overhead should be manageable enough to do in a Push Press, but due to the interference work, we should plan to perform all reps in a Push Jerk to save the shoulders.

Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Sets

10/10 Standing Pallof Press

20 Bear Plank Shoulder Taps

10 Goblet Squats (light)

5 Hollow to Arch Rolls

Bench Press (Every 2:00 x 5
Set 1: 5 @ 72%
Set 2: 5 @ 75%
Set 3: 4 @ 77%
Set 4: 4 @ 80%
Set 5: 3 @ 82%

Metcon (Time)


For Time


Toe to Bar

Shoulder to Overhead 115/85

Wall Balls 20/14


For Time


Toe to Bar

Shoulder to Overhead 135/95

Wall Balls 30/20
Time Domain: 7:00-11:00 minutes

Time Cap: 15:00 minutes

Bonus Fitness (No Measure)

3-4 Sets, For Quality

100ft Kettlebell Farmers Walk @ Challenging Load

5 Strict Ring Dips @ 31×1 Tempo

30 second Ring Row Hold

8-10 Ring Tricep Skull Crusher 20X1

Rest as needed