CrossFit Trivium – RECESS View Public Whiteboard W-U: Metcon (No Measure) 3-5 min game (dodgeball pizza deliver etc) 2 sets 50 ft sled push (outside) 50 ft sled pull (outside) 10 lunges RB: Warm-up (No Measure) 3 sets 10 cal ski 25 ft duck walk :30 wall sits 25 ft high kicks Skill: Metcon (No Measure) Emom 12 Mjn 1 – 50ft broad jump Mjn 2 – :30 ring rows Min 3 – :30 jump rope RB S: Metcon (No Measure) front rack lunges 5 sets 25ft ss/w 10 cal bike WOD: Metcon (No Measure) 5 rds each Partner 1 – rows :45!for meters Partner 2 – shuttle runs in :45 RB w: Metcon (Time) 4 rds 100m run 25 sit-ups 15 air squats 5 pullups Game: Metcon (No Measure) Kids choice!
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CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard B: Metcon (Time) Teams of 2 GPP Teams of 2 For time: 30 thrusters @ 95/65 50 cal ski 30 clean and jerks 95/65 50 cal ski 30 power snatch 95/65 50 cal ski Competitor For time: 30 thrusters @ 135/95 50 cal ski 30 clean and jerks 135/95 50 cal ski 30 power snatch 135/95 50 cal ski C: Metcon (3 Rounds for time) Murph prep – Deload 3 sets: 200m jog 5 pull up 10 push up 15 air squat 200m run Rest 2:00
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CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard A: Warm-up (No Measure) 3 sets 10 lunges total 5 jump squats :30 squat hold B: Back Squat (2 x 2 @ 85-90%) 1×6 @ 70 2×4 @80 2×2 @85-90% ; rest 2:00 RPE – we’ve had a lot of squatting this week, if you’re feeling beat up, go with 2 sets of 2 at a challenging weight C: Metcon (Time) The “Will Moorad” Last weekend Will won the final event of the weekend and overcame an 80 point deficit to qualify for the CROSSFIT Games. It was the largest final event comeback in CROSSFIT semi/regionals history. It was a version of this workout. GPP 3 RFT: 16 CTB or pullups 6 hspu 4 sandbag clean to shoulder 100/75 2 snatch 115/85 Competitor 3 RFT 8 ring muscle up 6 deficit hspu 8in/4in (2x45s M, 1 x45s F) 4 sandbag clean to shoulder...
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CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard A: Warm-up (No Measure) 5:00 easy spin B: Metcon (Distance) C2 bike 5 min spin – 3:00 @ 105% 20k pace Rest :90 X6 C: Metcon (Time) GPP 4 sets: 2 rope climb 6 wall walk Rest 2:00 Competitor 4 sets: 3 rope climb 75’ hsw Rest 2:00
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CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard A: Warm-up (No Measure) Run to road and back then 2 sets w/ barbell 5 muscle cleans 5 hang power cleans 5 squat cleans 2nd rd add weight B: Squat Clean (EMOM6 – 1 Sq. clean 72-78% EMOM 4 – 1 72-78) Emom x 6 , 1 squat clean @ 72-78% Emom x4 , 1 squat clean @ 78-82% of squat clean C: Clean Pull (3×2 @95-100%; rest as needed) D: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) 20 min alt emom 1-15/12 cal row 2- 15 ttb 3- 15/12 cal ski 4- 8 bbjo 24/20 -or :50 cap per
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