CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Warm-up (No Measure) 3 Rounds 20 Shoulder Taps 10e Worlds Greatest Stretch 20 Line Hops :10 Bar Hang 100m Jog -then- Group Up -then- 2 Rounds w/ Teammate 25′ Handstand Walk or 4 Wall Walks 10 Calorie Echo 20 Double Unders 50′ Farmer Carry 100m Jog (faster) -then- rest and potty break Team Workout (Time) Teams of 2 GPP For Time: Buy In: 16 Wall Walks -then- 100/75 Calorie C2 200 Double Unders 600′ DB Farmer Carry (50s/35s) 800m Run (4 x 200) 600′ DB Farmer Carry (50/35s) 200 Double Unders 100/75 Calorie Echo Teams of 2 COMP For Time: Buy In: 200′ Handstand Walk -then- 100/75 Calorie Echo 200 Double Unders 600′ Farmer Carry (70/53s) 800m Run (4 x 200) 600′ Farmer Carry (70/53s) 200 Double Unders 100/75 Calorie Echo Goal Time: sub 30:00 Ideal Time: sub 25:001 Athlete working at a time for the...
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CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Warm-up (needs review) (No Measure) 8 Minutes 400m jog into 3 sets 8 – Empty bar hang squat cleans 6 – Scap + 2 strict pullups (Kipp only if needed) 8 – Empty bar clean pulls 8 – Mountain climbers Squat Clean (3 min Amrap @ 60% ) 12 minutes 9 minutes to build to 60% of 1rm squat clean AMRAP3 Max reps squat clean at 60% Metcon (Time) 20 Minutes Rest 5:00 from Max Reps Squat Clean At the 8:00 mark: GPP 5 rounds for time 7 Thrusters #95/65 7 Pull-ups Competitor 5 rounds for time 7 Thrusters #115/85 7 Chest-to-bar pull-ups 15 minute Time cap. (23:00 on the clock from the start of the squat clean AMRAP)
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CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Warm-up (No Measure) 8 Minutes 400m jog into 3 sets 8 – Empty bar hang squat cleans 6 – Scap + 2 strict pullups (Kipp only if needed) 8 – Empty bar clean pulls 8 – Mountain climbers Squat Clean (3 min Amrap @ 60% ) 12 minutes 9 minutes to build to 60% of 1rm squat clean AMRAP3 Max reps squat clean at 60% Metcon (Time) 20 Minutes Rest 5:00 from Max Reps Squat Clean At the 8:00 mark: GPP 5 rounds for time 7 Thrusters #95/65 7 Pull-ups Competitor 5 rounds for time 7 Thrusters #115/85 7 Chest-to-bar pull-ups 15 minute Time cap. (23:00 on the clock from the start of the squat clean AMRAP) Bonus Fitness (No Measure) 10 Minute cool-down C2 bike
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CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Warm-up (No Measure) 8 Minutes 400m jog into 3 sets 8 – Empty bar hang squat cleans 6 – Scap + 2 strict pullups (Kipp only if needed) 8 – Empty bar clean pulls 8 – Mountain climbers Squat Clean (AMRAP 3 @ 60% ) 12 minutes 9 minutes to build to 60% of 1rm squat clean AMRAP3 Max Reps Squat Clean at 60% Metcon (Time) 20 Minutes Rest 5:00 from Max Reps Squat Clean At the 8:00 mark: GPP 5 rounds for time 7 Thrusters #95/65 7 Pull-ups Competitor 5 rounds for time 7 Thrusters #115/85 7 Chest-to-bar pull-ups 15 minute Time cap. (23:00 on the clock from the start of the squat clean AMRAP) Bonus Fitness (No Measure) 10 Minute cool-down C2 bike
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CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Warm-up (No Measure) 10 Minutes 500m Row at light pace into: 3 sets of 10 Empty bar good morning 10 Empty bar back squats 10 Plate ground to overhead Deadlift (4×3 at 85% ) 16 Minutes E2MOM x 4 perform 3 reps at 85% of established 1RM during CF total Metcon (2 Rounds for time) 2 Sets every 9:00 at 8/10 RPE 500m ski 500m row 1000m C2 Bike *8-minute cap per round scale distance if needed.**Target finish per round between 6-7 minutes. We’re looking for sustainable threshold pace across both sets. *** Waterfall starts every 3:00 Group 1 at 0:00 and 9:00 Group 2 at 3:00 and 12:00 Group 3 at 6:00 and 15:00 Bonus Fitness (No Measure) 3 Sets, For Quality 10/10 Dual Dumbbell Staggered Stance Romanian Deadlift 10/10 Single Arm Dumbbell Row 10 Slider Hamstring Curls (30X1 Tempo) 10 Dumbbell Zottman Curls
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