Rope Climb Workshop March 24th @ 6:00pm
Sign Ups at the Front
No Yoga 3/16 and 3/19
CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 Sets
8/6 Calorie Row
rest :20
8/6 Calorie C2 Bike
rest :20
50′ Sandbag Carry
10 Sit-ups
Barbell Technique Work w/ Coach
3 clean grip deadlift
3 high pull
3 front squats
3 pull drop under
Squat Clean (EMOM x 8
1 Rep @ 70-75%)
Clean Grip Deadlift (@the 10:00
EMOM x 3
5 Reps @ 75-80% of 1 Rep Max Clean)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
EMOM x 20
Min 1: 15/12Calorie Row
Min 2: 20Medball Sit-ups (20/14)
Min 3: 15/12Calorie C2 Bike
Min 4: 8 Sandbag Clean (100/75)
Min 5: rest
EMOM x 20
Min 1: 18/14Calorie Row
Min 2: 15GHD Sit-ups
Min 3: 18/14Calorie C2 Bike
Min 4: 8 Sandbag Clean (150/100)
Min 5: rest
*For Today*
Sandbag to Shoulder
Hug Medball to Chest for entire medball sit-up rep
*not over the shoulder