CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit
Daily Focus (No Measure)
Today, we are tackling our Back Squat progression and moving into sets of 2-4 reps with the emphasis on getting to a “heavy” double for the day. The goal here should be a weight that athletes still feel that they have another 2 reps in the tank. A note that the time for these sets is moved out to being on a 3:00 minute clock in an effort to allow athletes to really tackle these sets well and hit the % with maximum force production. This provides beneficial neuromuscular benefits that carry over to better maximal strength gains as well as injury protection. We have included some light primers for Toe to Bar, and athletes can hit some jump rope sets in warm-up as well if they feel antsy. We will then move into the main workout with the emphasis on building up loads to our working weight and having a targeted warm-up and progression for the Power Clean. Spend the time there and know that athletes will need about 5:00-7:00 minutes to get to working weights. The workout should allow for athletes to keep moving with quick singles on the Power Cleans and get at least 5 rounds with the goal of having them get to 6 rounds and higher level athletes even further.
Warm-up (No Measure)
2-3 Sets
30 second Double Under or Double Under Practice
25’e Lateral Band Walk
25’e Banded Monster Walk
8 Romanian Deadlifts
8 Back Squats
8 V-ups
Back Squat (Every 3:00 x 5
Set 1: 4 @ 77%
Set 2: 4 @ 80%
Set 3: 3 @ 82%
Set 4: 3 @ 85%
Set 5: 2 @ 87%
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Power Clean, 155/105
5 Toes to Bar
25 Double Unders
Power Clean, 205/145
10 Toes to Bar
25 Double Unders
Bonus Fitness (No Measure)
4 Sets, For Quality
10 Supine Grip Bent Over Barbell Rows
Rest 1:00 minute
7 Bicep Reverse Curls + 7 Dumbbell Hammer Curls + 7 Dumbbell Curls
Rest 1:00 minute
-Max Effort Chin Over Bar Hold
Rest 2:00 minutes between sets