CrossFit – Wed, Jun 5


May 24th, 6:00pm – Ring Muscle Up and Rope Climb Clinic (Brentwood Location)

May 27th – “Murph” Challenge – Heat Times are Up on Wodify

June 7th, 6:40pm – Double Under Clinic (Nipper’s Corner Location)

June 11th – July 18th – Weightlifting Class Nippers Corner (Every Tuesday and Thursday, 6:40-7:40)

June 28th – Squat/Deadlift Workshop (Location TBD)

Sign Ups will be available at the front of the gym!

All Clinics are $35 to join and great for all skill sets. Premium memberships are free!

Weightlifting Class is $240 for the entire 12 Sessions and Available for all members (6 Week Program)

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

Daily Focus (No Measure)

We have a fun one on the docket today with a little combination of Back Squats with Depth Jump to Box Jumps working on reactivity and absolute strength in a contrast style strength session. The goal here is to have 4 working sets here at over 80%. Leading into this strength session we should go through the targeted mobility and activation work, which will get us more than ready to tackle the Back Squats well and hit a heavy 4 rep up to possibly that 87-88% range. Remember that the goal is having athletes really hit the 3 rep next week.

Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Rounds

200m Run

3/3 Worlds Greatest Stretch

5 Air Squats

5 Empty Barbell Back Squat

5 Sit-ups

1 Broad Jump

Back Squat (Every 2:30 x 4
4 Back Squats @ 80%+
3 Depth Jump to Box Jump)

Depth Jump to Box Jump

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)



400m Run

30 Wall Balls 20/14

20 Toes to bar



400m Run

30 Wall Balls 30/20

20 GHD Sit-ups

Bonus Fitness (No Measure)

8:00 for Quality

5 Hollow Roll to V- Up *over and back is 1 rep

8 Ring Body Saws

10 Plank Hip Twist s *over and back is 1 rep