CrossFit – Wed, Aug 21

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

View Public Whiteboard

Warm Up (No Measure)

12 Minute Running Clock

Two Sets

10/8 cal ski


Empty Barbell from the rack

10 strict press w/ :02 pause at the top

5 Muscle Cleans

10 Mountain Climbers


Use the remaining time to start to build to your 80% Strict Press.

Shoulder Press

12 Minutes

4 Minutes to finish building to 80%

8 minutes to complete E:90

E2MOM x 4

4 reps at 80% of 1rm established during CF total

Metcon (Time)

5 Round For Time – 18 Minute Time Cap


12/10 cal row

12 Hang Power Clean #95/65

12 Toes To Bar


15/12 cal ski

15 Hang Power Clean #135/95

15 Toes To Bar
We’re looking for unbroken sets on Hang Clean and Toes to Bar if possible, with 2 sets minimum, get ready for some GRIP to be taxed.