CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit
Daily Focus (No Measure)
Today, we are getting into some fun drills and skills for the Bar Pull-Over. We will be bringing these in for some skill development and fun for a new movement into the mix that develops strength and body control. A lot of athletes will probably be a little annoyed at first by this movement, but if we look through the progressions, develop a plan for the progressions and skill practice time we can get a lot of buy-in today in order to really teach the movement. Once we have gone through the progressions and play time we will be getting into the workout. We just need to touch on the stimulus of the day, time domain, and movement mechanics for the Ring Row. The goal here is to get about 1:00 minute of work on the Ring Row which will surely tax your midline and lats.
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 Sets, For Quality
200m Run
6/6 Single Arm Ring Rows
12/12 second Single Arm Plank
:24 Second Glute Bridge March
:36 Second Bike
Gymnastics Progressions (No Measure)
Spend 15:00 minutes going over progressions
Bar Pull-Over
Teaching the Bar Pull-Over
Bar Pull-Over Progressions
*Favorite Progression
Low Bar Kicking Pull-Over (1:30 in Video)
Modified Ice Cream Makers (2:35 in Video)
Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
3 Sets, For Max Reps
400 Run
8 Strict Pull-ups
400 Run
15/11 Calorie Echo Bike
400 Run
-Max Rep Ring Row in Remaining Time
1:00 minute rest between AMRAPs
3 Sets, For Max Reps
400 Run
8 Bar Pull-Overs
400 Run
15/11 Calorie Echo Bike
400 Run
-Max Strict Pull-up in Remaining Time
1:00 minute rest between AMRAPs
Big classes, leave enough time to start waves 5 Minutes Apart .
Bonus Fitness (No Measure)
Part A)
5 Sets, For Load + Max Reps
3-5 Weighted Strict Pull-Ups
Rest 30 seconds
-Max Unbroken Strict Pull-Ups @ 20×1 Tempo
Rest 2:00 minutes
Level 2:
5 Sets, For Quality
3 Eccentric Pull-Ups (5 second negative)
Rest 30 seconds
Max Unbroken Ring Rows @ Parallel
Rest 2:00 minutes
Level 1:
5 Sets, For Quality
Max Chin Over Bar Hold
Rest 30 seconds
10-12 Ring Rows @ 45 Degree Angle
Rest 2:00 minutes
Part B)
4 Sets
10 Dumbbell Preacher Curls
15 Bent Over Reverse Flys