CrossFit – Tue, Feb 13

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

Daily Focus (No Measure)

Today, we are getting after a 5RM Back Squat to end Phase 1 of the Chimera Cycle. We have been building up and targeting some heavy 5s, 3s, and 1s as we build over the previous 6 Weeks as well as a 3RM on the Front Squat. Now it is time to target the 5RM Back Squat to get a baseline before moving into phase 2 of the Chimera Cycle. A note that we like to test the 3RM and 5RM far more often than 1RM’s as these still give us a really solid gauge of our 1RM without the increased risk of losing positions on a 1RM lift under maximum load.

After the 5RM Back Squat, we are targeting a strength and skill style EMOM with the focus of slowing things down today, taking a little focus to add some accessory unilateral strength work, touch on GHD’s in a controlled setting where athletes can focus on form, range of motion (shorter for newer athletes, increase for experienced and healthy athletes), and give time for athletes to practice Single Under Crossovers or Double Unders as we are just around the corner from the CrossFit Open.

Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Sets, For Quality

30 seconds Jump Rope Practice

10 Body Weight Reverse Lunge

25/25ft (8/8m) Lateral Band Walk

25/25ft (8/8m) Banded Monster Walk

Back Squat (Every 3:00 x 5
5 Back Squats
Start @ 70% and increase to a 5 Rep Max

Metcon (Weight)


EMOM x 16

Min 1: 10 Front Rack Reverse Lunges, For Load

Min 2: 15 V-ups

Min 3: 50 Double Unders

Min 4: Rest

Front Rack Reverse Lunges are from the Rack

Suggested Starting Load @ 95/65


EMOM x 16

Min 1: 10 Front Rack Reverse Lunges, For Load

Min 2: 15 GHD Sit-ups

Min 3: 30 Crossover Single Unders + 30 Double Unders

Min 4: Rest

Front Rack Reverse Lunges are from the Rack

Suggested Starting Load @ 135/95
This workout is meant to be a specific strength conditioning / accessory piece that will allow athletes to really tackle some accessory single leg strength work while also targeting some practice on GHD’s and Jump Rope. By slowing things down and having these movements in the loading and rep scheme as prescribed, we can really work to increase strength work and specific practice on these movements.

Bonus Fitness (No Measure)

Accumulate the Following

1:00 minute GHD Supine Hold

2:00 minute Sorenson Hold

1:30/1:30 Pallof Press Hold