CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit
Warm Up **needs review** (No Measure)
Double Under Skills (No Measure)
Skill Drills
2:00 : Single Unders with High Jump:
Perform single unders but jump higher than usual to simulate the height needed for double-unders. Focus on maintaining a consistent rhythm and form.
2:00: Single, Single, Double Drill:
Perform two single unders followed by one double-under. Repeat this sequence. This helps build the rhythm and timing for double-unders.
2:00 Minutes: Double-Under attempts
Practice stringing together as many double-unders as possible in 2-4 attempts. Do not perform more than 100 DU total
Aim for consistency rather than speed. Focus on keeping the wrists loose and using them to spin the rope faster.
Set a target number of double-unders (e.g., 10, 20, 40) and practice achieving that target in a row.
Beginners should perform single under and work on consistency and rhythm with a higher jump
Metcon (No Measure)
4 Sets: 4 minutes on 2 minutes off
12/10 cal C2 bike
30 double unders
12 KB swings 53/35
15/12 cal Echo bike
45 double unders
12 KB swings 72/53
*each round starts from the top
Bonus Fitness (No Measure)
5 sets Not For time
15 empty barbell curls
15 empty barbell should press
15 banded pull aparts
*slow and controlled for all movements