CrossFit – Tue, Aug 13

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

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Warm Up (No Measure)

3 minutes

3 way banded shoulder distraction

2 Sets

15 banded face pulls

10 Band pull aparts

3 sets

8/6 cal ski

10 Sit ups

10 Kettle Bell high pulls 35/24

Shoulder Press

5×5 at 75% of established 1RM during CF total

Focus on position in the front rack – elbows should be slightly lowered, core and lats engaged, and a firm grip on the bar.

Push all the way through the top with the weight properly stacked.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)


2 rope climbs – legless for competitors

18/15/12 Cal C2 Bike

7 sandbag over the shoulder 150/100/75

Look to push the pace on the bike and sandbags knowing you have a full minute rest coming.

Everyone can work with a rope today. Modify to shorter climbs(1-2 pulls) first, then climb from the floor with a jumping rope pullup.

C2 Bike should be completed no more than :50 to allow for transitions. You will need to push a little here to keep that pace.

18 cal in :50 you need a 1400+ pace

15 cal in :50 you need a 1200+ pace

12 cal in :40 you need a 1000+ pace

Bonus Fitness (No Measure)

3 sets not for time

15 Dumbell Reverse fly

15 Dumbell bent over row

15 Dumbell hammer curl