CrossFit – Tue, Apr 30

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Sets, For Quality

4 Inchworm to Hollow (3sec Pause at Hollow)

5/5 Worlds Greatest Stretch

10 Bootstrap Squats

20 Lateral Line Hops

20 Forward and Back Line Hops

30 second Wall Sit March

Gymnastics (No Measure)

10:00 minutes

Accumulated Time in Freestanding Handstand Hold

Level 2: Wall Facing Handstand Hold

Level 1: Box Pike Handstand Hold

Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)


4 Rounds, For Reps:

3:00 AMRAP

2-3-4-5 Wall Walks

30 Double Unders

*Max Wall Balls in the Remaining Time

Rest 1:00 between rounds

Wallball: 20/14


4 Rounds, For Reps:

3:00 AMRAP

4-5-6-7 Wall Walks

50 Double Unders

*Max Wall Balls in the Remaining Time

Rest 1:00 between rounds

Wallball: 20/14
Score: Total Reps of Wall Balls