CrossFit – Thu, Sep 12

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

Warm-Up (No Measure)

10 Minutes

2:00 machine of choice

3 sets

20 ft duck walk

10 Empty bar back squats

10 Hip switch

Back Squat (5×1 at 90% of established 1rm curing CF total )

18 Minutes

Take 8 minutes to build to 90% of your established 1RM from the CrossFit Total, or 9/10 RPE for today

E2MOM x 5

5×1 at 90% of established 1rm curing CF total

Metcon (6 Rounds for time)

18 Minutes

E3MOM x 6 (alternating rounds, 3x on each)

1 – 1000m C2 bike

2- 500m Row

Bonus Fitness (No Measure)

5 sets

12 Close grip bench press (light)

12 Dumbell Row (moderate)

12 Skull Crushers (light)