CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit
Daily Focus (No Measure)
We are working in a workout that heavily emphasizes the posterior chain today. We will be starting off with a tempo deadlift to really work on recruiting the correct muscles as well as developing the hinge pattern in a safe effective way before moving into a grip burner of a workout with Double Unders and American KBS. We will be moving through 250 Double Unders as well as 150 American KBS. The 150 American KBS is the movement we have to be most cautious about so those that are lacking midline stability and engagement should move to russian kbs and/or move to a lighter load to focus more on flexing the butt and tightening up the midline. The goal with this one is to stay unbroken through the set of 30 KBS before moving into sets of 10-15 at a time to finish this one off. If we are tackling this correctly we are looking to maintain at least 20 American KBS per minute in order to meet the time domain we are looking for coupled with close to unbroken sets of Double Unders. Transitions between movements should be relatively quick here as well and the main need to rest or break should be due to forearm fatigue.
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 Sets, For Quality
:30 Jump Rope Practice
15 Banded Goodmornings
20 Alternating Bird-Dogs
10/10 Single KB B-Stance Deadlift
Deadlift (Every 2:00 x 6
5 Reps
Starting @ 55% of your 1rm and increasing the load each set.
The prescribed tempo for these reps today is 3 Seconds Up, No Pause at the top, 3 Seconds Down, No Rest at the bottom before transitioning into the consecutive rep.
The focus today is on both the concentric and eccentric phases to work through quality positions and create greater time under tension
Metcon (Time)
For Time
American KBS 53/35lb
20 Double Unders to Start Each Set
For Time
American KBS 53/35lb
50 Double Unders to Start Each Set
Bonus Fitness (No Measure)
For Quality:
2 Sets
50ft (15m) Dual KB Front Rack Carry
15 Dual DB Hammer Curls
50ft (15m) Dual KB Front Rack Carry
15 Behind the Back Barbell Wrist Curls
50ft (15m) Dual KB Front Rack Carry
-Max Dual KB Farmers Hold 70/53lb, (32/24kg)
Rest as needed between sets
Choice on Loads for Front Rack Carry