CrossFit – Thu, Nov 30

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

Daily Focus (No Measure)

We are tackling a Squat Snatch ladder in the same fashion that we tackled the Clean and Jerk work earlier in the week in order to continually progress the movements and have athletes have the time to hit more reps at above 70%. The percentage range is useful here as 70-80% provides optimal feedback to develop the most power and speed while also developing mechanics. It is our jobs as coaches today to spend the time working on the little pieces that will help athletes feel more confident in these lifts and have them progress towards the heavier loads as long as their mechanics are remaining consistent. We will then move into a little sprint couplet that works as a great sprint style workout as well as accessory movement to the Snatch. The alternating DB Snatch is meant to be a load that can be done unbroken along with quick Box jumps to really keep the pace high here as a fun finisher to the Squat Snatch.

Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Sets

8/8 Quadruped Thoracic Rotations

:20 Extended Reverse Plank Bridge

50/50ft Single Arm OH DB Carry

10 DB Goblet Cossack Squat

Primer (No Measure)

Empty Barbell

3 Hang Snatch High Pull

3 Hang Muscle Snatch

3 Snatch Grip Push Press

3 Overhead Squat

3 Snatch Balance

into ..

4 Sets

Muscle Snatch + High Hang Snatch + Snatch Balance

Building loads on each set

*The focus here developing speed through the middle and a strong overhead position in the bottom of the Squat

Snatch (Every 8:00 x 2 (16:00 minutes)
6 Reps @ 70%
4 Reps @ 75%
2 Reps @ 80%

*Those that are looking good and feeling the flow today should be thinking about increasing weights on the second wave

Metcon (Time)


For Time:


Alternating DB Snatch 50/35

Step-Down Box Jumps 24/20”


For Time:


Alternating DB Snatch 70/50

Step-Down Box Jumps 24/20”

Bonus Fitness (No Measure)

Part A) 4 Sets, For Load

1 Snatch High Pull + 3 Floating Snatch High Pulls Holding 85-90% of your 1rm Snatch

On the Floating Snatch, remember to bring the barbell down to the lowest point you can without the barbell touching the floor and then explode up.

Part B) 3 Sets, For Load

8/8 Single Leg Barbell Hip Thrust, light loading

8 Romanian Deadlift, moderate loading