CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit
Today is a choose-your-intensity day. If you’re coming 5 days this week, today is a great day to dial back the intensity and just get some work done over time. If today is one of a few days you can make it, push yourself. Look for negative splits, getting a little faster each time with your last set your highest intensity.
Warm Up / Mobility Work (No Measure)
Mobility Work
Couch Stretch 1:00 each leg
Pigeon stretch 1:00 each leg
Runners 1:00 each side
Seated split hamstring 1:00 each side
Downward Dog 3 x :15
Kneeling hip flexor stretch 1:00 each side
Conditioning (No Measure)
Every 10 minutes x 3
1000/800m Ski or 2000/1600m C2 Bike
15 Dumbell Bench Press 50/35
15 ab mat situps
4000m/3400m Echo
15 Dumbell Bench press 70/50
15 GHD situps
Bonus Fitness (No Measure)
50 of each movement split as desired
Empty barbell Skull Crushers
Empty barbell bent over row
Side delt raise #15/10’s