CrossFit – Thu, Aug 29

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

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Warm Up (No Measure)

10 Minutes

4 way banded should distraction, :30 each. AMRAP 6

8/6 cal bike of choice

6 scap pullups

4 burpees

Pulling Strength (No Measure)

15 minutes

4 sets

10 Strict body weight pull-ups

10 Barbell bent over rows

10 Dumbbell pull overs

Ski Patrol (3 Rounds for reps)

24 Minutes

GPP and Competitor

3 Sets – Teams of 2

4 minutes on 4 minutes off

Max Calorie Ski

**The athlete who is not working accumulates Abmat Situps.

The score is Calories + Situps accumulated across all three rounds