CrossFit – Sat, Jun 10

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Sets, For Quality:

:30 Machine of Choice

5/5 World’s Greatest Stretch

5/5 Archer Ring Rows

10 Dual Dumbbell High Pulls, Moderate Load

15 Dual Dumbbell Deficit Push-Ups

100ft (30m) Dual Dumbbell Overhead Carry, Moderate Load


Spend 10-15 minutes

Warming up Bench Press/Devil Press Weight

Ring Muscle Ups

How to Climb a Rope
Looking to really prime the upper body for the upcoming session today. Be sure to focus on keeping the Dumbbells centered over your body, elbows locked out and biceps close to your ear.

Metcon (Time)


In Teams of 3 Complete

For Time:

60 Toe to Ring

60 Burpees

60 Dual Dumbbell Bench Press 35/25lb

20 Rope Climb

20 Devils Press 35/25lb


In Teams of 3 Complete

For Time:

60 Ring Muscle-Ups

60 Dual Dumbbell Bench Press 70/50lb

30 Rope Climbs

30 Devils Press 50/35lb
Sub Rope Climb with Seated to Standing Rope Climb