ππ» Get Ready for a Series of Unfortunate Events! π»π
Join us for a ghoulishly fun Halloween Workout on Saturday, October 28th.
Event Details: π Date: Saturday, October 28th π Time: 9:00am-11:00 π Location: [CrossFit Trivium] π» Dress Code: Come in your most creative and creepiest costume to participate!
What to Expect: We’ve brewed up 3 wickedly exciting team workouts for you. Get ready to unleash your inner fitness fiend!
CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit
Daily Focus (No Measure)
We are getting after “Fran” today. The focus today is finding that intensity and really pushing the pace. We are looking for athletes to tackle a load that allows for sets to be as close to unbroken as possible and also work into a pull-up scaling modification that allows for the same. Intensity is the driver of fitness today, so search for that. As always in our search for intensity we will not neglect mechanics and consistency. This means we need to scale accordingly in order to hit the correct stimulus while maintaining form. We will start the day with a complex to get our bodies used to a little heavier load before dropping the load for the workout, then hit a light primer that is meant to get the system up to speed before hitting the workout.
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 Sets
3 Inchworm + Double Push-Up
5 (1 and 1/4) Goblet Squat
10 Alternating Cossack Squats
:15 active hang / :15 passive hang
10 Hollow Rocks
10 Arch Rocks
Strength Complex (6 Rounds for weight)
Every 2:00 x 6
Power Clean + Pause Front Squat + Thruster
-:02 Pause in the Front Squat
Starting @ 60% of your 1RM Thruster and Build to a technical heavy for the day
Fran (Time)
Thrusters, 95# / 65#
Goal:: 3:00-7:00 minutes
Time Cap: 10:00 minutes
Primary Objective: Complete in under 5:00 minutes. If you are unable to do so please pick a scaling modification that allows you to do so successfully.
Secondary Objective: Complete all movements in 2 sets or less for each round.
RX+ Fran (Time)
Thrusters 105/75
Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
Please only shoot for this if you have done Fran in under 2:30
Bonus Fitness (No Measure)
3 Sets, For Quality
10 Feet Elevated Ring Rows
10 Dual DB Zottman Curls
5/5 Dual DB Feet Elevated Split Squat 3030 Tempo
Rest as needed between sets