CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit
Daily Brief (No Measure)
We are starting things off with a little strength cluster style set for our overhead pressing strength. The difference in this style today is that we are starting off with 5 reps of strict press, doing a quick add of load to the bar and then performing a heavy set of 3 push press. This will help to build some greater muscular endurance while also developing power and better connection from our hips / core to overhead. We will then move into a progression from the style of metcon we hit last week with the 5×3 min on / 1min off and building into 3 sets of 4min on / 2min off. Today’s circuit is centered around the “Gymnastics Complex” so be sure to go through the movement cues here and have athletes practice a few as they get going.
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 Sets, For Quality:
:30 second Echo Bike
50/50ft Single Arm Kettlebell Bottoms Up Waiters Carry
6/6 Single Arm Kettlebell High Pulls
6/6 Single Arm Kettlebell Arnolds Press
5/5 World’s Greatest Stretch
5/5 Archer Ring Rows
Time Cap 6:00
Strict Press + Push Press (Every 2:30, 4 Sets
5 Strict Press @ 75%
Rest 20 seconds
3 Push Press @ 75%+
We will re-rack the barbell and then move to add loads to then work into the Push Press where we are primarily focused at developing a strong drive through the hips to propel the bar overhead
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
3 Rounds
3 Gymnastics Complex
5 Box Jump Overs 24/20”
10/7 Calorie Echo Bike
2:00 rest
3 Rounds
4:00 amrap
3 Burpee Bar Complex
5 Box Jump Overs 30/24”
10/7 Calorie Echo Bike
2:00 rest
Gymnastics Complex = Burpee + Kipping Pull-Up + Knees to Elbow
We are not allowed to jump right into the pull-up today.
Gymnastics Complex = Burpee + Chest to Bar Pull-up + Bar Muscle Up
Bonus Fitness (No Measure)
4 Sets, for Quality
10-12 Feet Elevated Ring Rows
:30/:30 Half Kneeling Paloff Press Hold
10-12 Feet Elevated Parallette Push-Ups