CrossFit – Mon, Aug 5

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

Warm Up (No Measure)

General Warmup

1:00 Couch/Pigeon each side

2:00 – light machine of choice

2:00 – 2 sets : 10 hip circles each side, 10 leg swings, 10 boot strappers

2:00 – Banded shoulder distraction + banded good morning.

Specific Warmup

1:00 10-20 controlled air/barbell squats

1:00 10-20 empty barbell deadlift

1:00 10-20 empty barbell strict press

At :20 minute mark in class

give athletes “10 minute warning” to begin building towards opening weights. Athletes should share bars where possible. Have whiteboards out and ready and encourage athletes to have a plan going into the 20 minutes.

At :30 mark of class the clock will start for the CrossFit Total

The CrossFit Total (Total Weight)

Back Squat (1 Rep Max)
Shoulder Press (1 Rep Max)
Deadlift (1 Rep Max)
In a 20 minute window, find your one rep max for today on the following lifts, in this order.

Back Squat

Shoulder Press (strict)


Record your scores for re-test in 8 weeks.

Bonus Fitness – Core Accessory (No Measure)

4 sets not for time

:30 plank each (right, left, center)

20 abmat situps