CrossFit – Mon, Aug 19

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

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Warm Up (No Measure)

15 minute Running Clock

Bike of choice: 2:00 at a conversational pace


2 sets (5-minute cap)

10 Romanian Deadlift w/ Plate

5 Burpee to Plate

10 Jumping Air Squats

25’e Suitcase Carry


8 minutes to build to 80% deadlift for strength portion
At the 15:00 clock – start Deadlift E2MOM


10 Minutes E2MOM x 5

5×3 at 80-85% of established 1RM during CF total

Metcon (Time)

For Time – 10:00 time cap



Air Squats

Double under

Sit Ups



Goblet Squats #35/24

Double under

Scaling options for Double unders

Perform singles x 2

If you’re working on double under as a skill, pick a reduced number to try and hit, or set a time limit for attempts.

Classes with 3 or more doing competitor for GHDSU (no mix and match) partner up and stagger the start time.

Bonus Fitness

4 sets

10 Reverse Hyper

10 Glute bridges (lightweight)

10 Weighed Single leg Calf Raise

10 Tib raise (band or machine in loft)