CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 Sets
8 Walking Inchworm to Hollow
25ft Ostrich Walk
15/15 Banded Shoulder External Rotations
15/15 Banded Shoulder Internal Rotations
20 Banded Face Pulls
Gymnastics Skill/Play Work (No Measure)
10:00 minutes
Accumulated Time in a Handstand Hold
*Can scale to Shoulder Stand on Box or Shoulder Stand on Parallettes , Pike Box Handstand Hold , Crow Pose , Headstand
Or Wall Facing Handstand Hold
Workout Primer (No Measure)
5 Pause Deadlifts *Top Down
(Push the hips back, keep the barbell close and pause at the knee, below knee, mid-shin, both on the way up and down)
Handstand Walk to Wall or Wall Walk + Shoulder Tap s, or Handstand Hold with Weight Shifts
5 Deadlifts *Added Loaded, Pause at Knee from Bottom Up
10-15 second Handstand Walk Progression
1 Round
5 Deadlifts
Handstand Walk Progression
3 Deadlifts
Handstand Walk Progression
1 Deadlift
Load: Working Weight
Workout (Time)
For Time:
Deadlifts 225/155
Wall Walks
For Time:
Deadlifts 315/205
Wall Walks
*if room available, COMP
handstand walk 75-50-25 after each round instead of wall walks
Bonus Fitness (No Measure)
5 Sets, For Quality
10/10 Single Arm Z-Press
8/8 Side Plank Banded Row
10 Parallette Deficit Push-Ups
-Max Effort Chin Over Bar Hold (Supine Grip)
Rest as needed