CrossFit – Fri, Jun 21


June 7th, 6:40pm – Double Under Clinic (Nipper’s Corner Location)

June 11th – July 18th – Weightlifting Class Nippers Corner (Every Tuesday and Thursday, 6:40-7:40)

June 28th – Squat/Deadlift Workshop (Location TBD)

Sign Ups will be available at the front of the gym!

All Clinics are $35 to join and great for all skill sets. Premium memberships are free!

Weightlifting Class is $240 for the entire 12 Sessions and Available for all members (6 Week Program)

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

Daily Brief (No Measure)

We are finishing off the week with a fun little test today with the Power Clean + Squat Clean combo into a max Squat Clean for the day. We like the time domain of going on the 90 sec mark as it keeps athletes fresh while also heightening the central nervous system to keep that feel and flow of the workout as they move up in weight. This is the ideal amount of time to hit a quality lift, add a little load and get right back on the barbell. And of course we say this as ideal for CrossFit athletes more than pure strength athletes. We will then make our way into a three round version of the Semifinal workout from this year with the goal of maintaining a similar stimulus and time domain today. The goal will be to complete each round in under 4:00 minutes and look to stay unbroken on the Front Squats. Get ready for a fun packed day with lots of midline and legs.

Squat Clean (Every 1:30 x 6
1 Power Clean + 1 Squat Clean
Every 1:30 x 6
1 Squat Clean)

Metcon (No Measure)

3 Rounds for Time

75 Double Unders

20 Toe to Bar

10 Front Squats 185/125lb