Barbell Class starts Tuesday.
Sign-ups at the gym entrance.
CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit
Daily Focus (No Measure)
Daily Focus:
We are hitting a gymnastics focused workout today. The goal with this is to develop consistent unbroken sets while also working to develop overall aerobic capacity. By having 90 double unders each round combined with the Echo Bike, breathing and respiration will be challenged as we move into the Bar Muscle-Ups and Toe to Bar.
Lets start off the day with some skills and drills in order to help athletes develop their first bar muscle-up. Even for those that have muscle-ups lets focus on making them cleaner and linking more. Those not close we can go over correct scaling mods and strength builders during the Bar Muscle-Up Skill Time
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 Sets, For Quality
:30sec Double Under or Bike
7/7 KB Windmill
50/50ft Bottoms Up KB Waiters Carry
:20sec Tuck L-Hang
Gymnastics Conditioning (No Measure)
Every 1:30 x 6
Bar Muscle Up Progression
-Banded Bar Muscle-Ups
-Box Bar Muscle-Ups
-Rack Bar Muscle-Up
Every 1:30 x 6
3 Toes to Bar + 2 Chest to Bar + 1 Bar Muscle Up
This will give you time to fine tune where the athlete is at today and then hone in on what progression they should use for the day.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
5 Burpee Pull-ups
30 Double Unders
10 Toe to Bar
30 Double Unders
15/10 Cal C2 Bike
30 Double Unders
10 Bar Muscle-Up
50 Double Unders
20 Toe to Bar
50 Double Unders
30/20 Calorie Echo Bike
50 Double Unders
Primary Objective: Complete 4+ Rounds
Secondary Objective: Stay unbroken on the Bar Muscle-Ups and Toe to Bar
If 10 bar muscle ups seems daunting, choose a number that you are confident you can go unbroken on the first round
*sub bar muscle ups with Burpee Pull-ups if needed