CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit
A: Warm-up (No Measure)
5 hip switches on each side
5 squats w/3-second hold at the bottom
5 reverse lunges on each leg
B: Back Squat (1×6 @ 75% 1×6 @78% 2×3 @82-85%)
Get in 20 empty barbell reps, then take 2-3 sets tops to get to your 75% back squat. 10-12 minute cap.
C: Power Snatch (@70-75% of power snatch; rest :90)
E2MOM x 3
4 power snatch + 2 overhead squat @70-75% of power snatch
***drop bar as needed
If you are unable to complete an overhead squat at that weight, drop the weight to a number you’re able to hit for 2 OHS. For many this movement is a limiter, this is a good opportunity to work on the technique and strength required for this movement. These all need to be GOOD reps, not “heavy” reps.
D: Snatch Pull (EMOM x 3 , 1.1 @90-95% )
E: Metcon (2 Rounds for calories)
2 sets:
1:00 max cal assult bike
rest 3:00 btw
With a 3:1 rest between these, push for 95% + effort on both of these 1-minute tests.