CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit
A: Warm-up (No Measure)
2 sets
:30 sec ski
10 pass throughs (pvc)
5 strict press + 4 push press + 3 push jerks+ 2 split
5 inch worms w/ hrpu
:20 sec bar hang
B: Push Jerk (4x 2 push jerk+1 split jerk, @70-80% of push jerk)
2:00 rest between
4 sets of 1 complex (2+1)
C: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
10 sets:
max ub push up ( or 20 )
1 rope climbs
rest :60
score is # of total pushups
D: Metcon (Weight)
emom x 10
3 db strict press
6 db push jerk
2 DB’s (partner up)
E: Metcon (Calories)
assault bike
2x :90 max cal; rest 2:00 btw
2x :30 max cal; rest :90 btw
total calories as score
(If time constraints, split class in half, 1 group does DB work, other assault bike)
F: Metcon (No Measure)
Bonus Fitness / Cooldown
15 wall walk
200′ hsw
*6 min cap on each
4 way shoulder stretch :30 each
Thread the needle :30 each
accumulate :90 in bar hang