CrossFit – Tue, Aug 13

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

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Warm Up (No Measure)

400m jog / 500m machine of choice

———– 3 Sets

10 Empty bar deadlifts (from mid shin)

5 Knees to Elbow + 5 Scap pull-ups

10 Empty bar strict press

———– 3 Sets with an empty bar

5 clean pulls

5 Muscle cleans

5 Push Press

5 Front Squats

5 Hang Power Clean (loud feet)

Power Clean (On a 10-minute clock, build to a heavy Power Clean for the day. )

This is not a max attempt. It might turn into one if you haven’t tested it in a while, but the goal and mindset are not to achieve a personal record. Today, listen to your body and adjust your workout based on how you feel. When you reach a weight that feels “heavy” for the day, or if you fail to lift the weight twice, that’s when you should stop. Make sure to record that weight..

Metcon (Time)

For time

60/50/42 cal ski

40 Burpee to plate

30 Toes To bar

20 Clean and Jerk 135/95

10 Bar Muscle Ups/Burpee Chest to Bar

**Time cap 20 minutes
Today is a Chipper workout with a little bit of everything. Everyone will ski today, everyone will do burpees, and everyone will do a form of clean and jerk.

For TTB modify the movement to knees to chest if you’re not able to do TTB, we want some exposure to hanging on the bar if possible. Next modification would be leg raises to target.

Today bar musle-ups will be for competitors only, GPP should look to do a burpee chest to bar, burpee pull-up, and for beginners a burpee to a plate.