CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit
Benchmark 2
Preparing for Fran..
Can one prepare or do we just go for broke and see what happens?
We can prepare..
Once you’re through the warmup you’ve got an EMOM to use to build up movement intensity.
Start with just the bar and keep reps LIGHT, for some even PVC. By the last minute of the EMOM you should be at least 70% of your workout weight, and then do one final set of 5 at full weight, and 5 quick pullups.
Follow this and as always listen to how you feel and you’ll be ready to SMASH this workout!
Warm Up (No Measure)
1:00 Left/Right each Couch
1:00 Left/Right each Pigeon
:10 Machine of choice at high-intensity effort
:30 bar hang
10 Lunge and twist
Workout Prep (No Measure)
1- 8-10 scap pullups
2- 8 -10 barbell thrusters
3- rest
Gradually increase to strict/kipping/bfly by feel. Use bands, jumping, or other mods as required.
Gradually increase weight by feel as well.
Allow 5-7 minutes to finalize athletes’ warmup, mods, placement etc.
Break up athletes into heats as needed for FRAN
Fran (Time)
Thrusters, 95# / 65#
9 Minute time cap – Modify accordingly – track time, weight, and modifications
Bonus / Cooldown (No Measure)
8 minutes on the C2 bike at 6/10 RPE